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Crystal Clear
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Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm, Saturday: 9am - 12pm, Sunday: Closed

Energy Efficient Windows

Why It Makes Crystal Clear Sense To Make Your Windows More Energy Efficient?

Replace The Panes Not The Frames With Pilkington Logo

Why replace your window frames, when you can upgrade the glazing only? Window heat loss can account for up to 30% of total heat loss in your home. We can replace your existing non efficient double glazed units for the new efficient Pilkington energiKare units at a fraction of the cost of fitting new window frames.

Call today book your free quotation and start saving money on your rising energy bills.

Pikington energiKare

Why It Makes Crystal Clear Sense To Make Your Windows More Energy Efficient?

We use Pilkington energiKare glass for all our replacement glazing which can significantly reduce the loss of heat through your windows. It is said that around 90% of energy is lost through existing windows and this can result in you paying more on your energy bills.

Upgrade your glazing with our Crystal Clear high quality Pilkington energiKare double glazed sealed units and save you money today.

Old double glazing can not compete with Pilkington energiKare as it works in two ways. The glass reduces the amount of heat lost through the window (from the inside) and allows more heat / energy from the sun through the window from the (outside) which helps to heat up your home.

Pilkington energiKare is made up of two special types of glass. Pilkington K Glass, The Uk’s top selling low emissivity glass which stops heat from escaping from your windows. Pilkington Optiwhite, a special extra clear glass which allows more solar heat energy in through the window known as solar gain.

The double glazed units are filled with argon gas which improves the thermal performance again helping you benefit save money and keeping your house warmer.

Why Should I Upgrade/Replace My Window Panes With Crystal Clear

Pikington energiKare

There are many benefits from upgrading or replacing your window panes by Crystal Clear.

  • Windows we use improves the energy efficiency of your home.
  • Reduces the amount of energy you use to heat up your property.
  • Reduces your energy consumption significantly helping you save money on bills.
  • The energyKare units are better than single or standard double glazed units.
  • Replacing the glass units is significantly cheaper than replacing the whole window frame.
  • Our glass double glazed sealed units are made to a very high standard so will last much longer than any other standard sealed unit.

Contact us at -01473 404725